
Forex Robots and Trading Signal Software: Who has the Holy Grail?

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Real Source:

We do not know what use was made of the Holy Grail, if it had ever existed. Nowadays, perhaps some forex robots and trading signal software hold the key! However, if the Knights of the Round Table derived any advantage from any association with that legendary item, history doesn’t provide a lot of details on the nature of the benefits. It seems the bards and the poets of the Medieval era were the greatest beneficiaries of the Grail legend, selling their tales at the courts and ensuring a full stomach in the process, if not more. The tradition is alive even today, with “Holy Blood, Holy Grail”, the “Da Vinci Code” all reaping their share of the profits from the propagation of this ancient, dubious, yet highly entertaining legend.

The currency trading field has its own share of these bards and poets, each telling the same story from a different angle, embellishing it with new and exciting details on the unimaginable benefits, the unparalleled gains that one can achieve once he is in possession of the Holy Grail, the Forex Code, the Universal Secret of Trading, the Best Automated System in History. Times change however, and the blood of Christ no longer has the same powerful impact on the minds of believers as it had in the past. Nowadays, the scientifically minded, but gullible individual will seek the Holy Grail in some kind of mathematical formula, a numerical trick, some technical tool that will reveal the secrets of profitable trading to the entire universe.


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